Business blog posts – why bother?
Neil Patel in Search Engine Journal wrote this article in 2012 and it’s more relevant than ever!
One of the 7 points he makes is that consistent website updates via useful and interesting content in your blog posts helps to build trust with your readers.
Read Neil Patel’s full article here
What does a perfect blog post look like?
Derek Halpern, one of my favourite bloggers, from Social Triggers has devised and tested a fantastic guide for the perfect post.
He sets out a step by step process that I now use in my live workshops, although I have expanded Derek’s model to include some organic SEO elements.
Download Derek’s perfect blog post model here
The 5 most persuasive words in the English language
Gregory Ciotti in a recent Copyblogger article reminded us all of the power of these simple English words.
One of the things I love about this article is that Gregory reminds of us that simple language is clear language. If we want to get our message across, then we need to communicate clearly, and the best way to do that is to keep it simple…
Read Gregory Ciotti’s full article here