How low can you go?The Common Law of Business Practice Prevents You From Paying a Little & Getting a Lot!”In any industry the fact is that no matter how low the price of a product or service, there will always be someone who is willing to offer an even lower price. And so begins the cycle of stripping value from the product or service so that competitors can drop their price by yet another dollar.This unproductive cycle occurs in the website development industry too. … [Read more...]
3 Deadly Sins of Omission That Will Prevent A Powerful Online Presence
What is online presence?Your business has a strong online presence if it is easily found when a client or potential customer searches online for the products or services offered by your business. You would know from your own experience of using the internet that most people look only at the first page or two of search results.So, your goal for your business website is to make it easy for customers and potential customers to find your business by having your online … [Read more...]
Why 99% of Websites Set up by Most Small Businesses Are a Waste of Time, Energy & Money
Why I wrote this article and the others in the seriesThis article is one of a series that I was inspired to write out of sheer frustration when a business owner I know fell into the trap of a high pressure sales person to engage his company to build her a six page, templated website.One thing I know for sure, is that an industry based, templated website will never meet the needs of this business owner, because no attention has been paid to the unique personality, needs … [Read more...]
Why WordPress Works FOR You!
WordPress is the platform of choice for more than 20% of websitesWordPress is open source web software that you can install on your web server to create your website, blog, community or network. WordPress started out as a tool for blogging, but has evolved into a full-fledged Content Management System (CMS), capable of powering websites, networks and communities.It's easy to make the mistake of classifying WordPress as just a blogging platform. Because you can still use WordPress … [Read more...]
Three Pillars of a Website That Gets Your Business Found
Updated on 2nd October 2018The three foundational pillars that should be firmly in place before you begin to think about your website’s visual design are:Your online marketing strategy.The structure of your website.The primary content of your site.StrategyYou want to have clear answers to these questions before you start building your business website or social media profiles:What is the purpose of your website? Build a database? Make direct sales? Establish authority? … [Read more...]
Blog Posts That Convert
Business blog posts - why bother?Neil Patel in Search Engine Journal wrote this article in 2012 and it's more relevant than ever!One of the 7 points he makes is that consistent website updates via useful and interesting content in your blog posts helps to build trust with your readers.Read Neil Patel's full article hereWhat does a perfect blog post look like?Derek Halpern, one of my favourite bloggers, from Social Triggers has devised and tested a fantastic guide for … [Read more...]