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Online Marketing Pages | Video
Boosting your marketing results with different types of web pages
How many different types of web page could you use in your online marketing?
- Sales pages
- Coupons or special offers for your offline store
- PPC (pay per click) landing pages
- Soft landing pages
- Registration pages for webinars or other events, online or offline
- Tightly focused squeeze pages
- One time offer pages
- And so on… basically any page where you want your visitors to take a specific action
With a truly integrated hubsite software system you can optimize every type of page for organic SEO.
The biggest mistake most beginners make with their first website is to confuse the purpose of each type of page.
One purpose per page will boost your online marketing
We humans can be very quirky creatures when it comes to making choices. On the one hand we demand the freedom to choose from a range of alternatives, and on the other hand we become confused and even stressed when confronted with too many choices and end up making no choice at all. And that’s exactly why visitors to many websites leave without signing up for a newsletter, watching a valuable video, or making a purchase – too many choices.
How to help your website visitors to take action
Here’s a quick rundown on just four page types and their purpose:
- Soft landing page: example
- Purpose: to convince you to give me your name and email address in exchange for a valuable Consumer Guide that will help you choose a great website developer. Your subscription form should be very prominently displayed – more than once on the page.
- Specialized high-converting Social Media landing page: example
- Purpose: to create rapport with my Twitter followers who come to check out my HubSite Builder site. Again, your subscription form should be very prominently displayed – more than once on the page.
- One time offer page (OTO).
- Purpose: to make a very special offer that will not be available again when the same visitor returns to that same page. This builds trust, by showing your visitors that your offers are genuine and that you are not using false scarcity tactics. It also rewards action takers, and let’s face it, we all want action takers for clients.
- Squeeze page: as the name implies, this type of page is designed to focus your attention on one thing, usually a sales letter, and gives you no options to leave the page via tabs, links or back buttons. The only way you can escape the squeeze is to close the page, and quite often when you attempt to do so, a form or message will pop up, asking if you ‘re sure you want to leave.
In summary, for each page you create on your site you want to be very clear about what action you want your visitors to take as a result of visiting that page, and then make it as easy as possible for them to make the decision and take that action.
The bottom line is that when you are planning your site, you want to make sure that the software that you or your website developer will be using is part of an integrated system that is technologically capable of providing you with the varying functions you need to create different pages for different purpose. The last thing you want is to have to pay a programmer every time you want a different type of page created.
So, how capable is your website of generating different types of web pages to boost your online presence?
If you want a website that can boost your business’s online presence and profits by leveraging integrated, organic seo technology to help you attract, connect with, and convert your tribe and potential customers, submit a ticket at our support desk at support[@], telling us what you want and how to contact you.
Here’s To Your Powerful Online Presence,
The Hubsite Builder Team