Website designer’s and developer’s tips to BOOST your online presence
At Hubsite Builder, we have developed a system we call B.O.O.S.T.S to teach our clients how to leverage the advanced organic search engine optimization (SEO) features of Hubsite Builder’s website design and development software.
The second “O” in Hubsite Builder’s B.O.O.S.T. system stands for the word “ONE”, meaning ONE PURPOSE PER PAGE.
The ONE purpose of your HOME PAGE is to entice your visitors to give you their name and email address in exchange for something FREE – some practical advice, privileged industry insider information, or a discount voucher or coupon.
Your HOME PAGE should not really be about YOU, but about how your website visitor will benefit from the FREE gift you are giving them!
Your Home Page is the foundation of your Email Marketing
Once you have your website visitor’s name and email address on your database you can, with permission, automatically send them personalized emails or newsletters with more useful industry tips and give them priority notification of any special offers or events you may be planning. Important note – ALWAYS use a double optin email marketing system like Aweber to avoid SPAM accusations.
How well set up is YOUR home page to do that ONE main thing – entice your visitors to give you their name and email address?
How to use Hubsite Builder’s BOOSTS system to get your business found online
Want more education about how local businesses in your industry can use the BOOST system to get your business found online? Fill out this quick form to discover which of our educational seminars, workshops or webinars is the best match for your needs.